Enrico has starred in movies created by just a couple of adult movie studios: Diamond Pictures and Pacific Sun. This adult model is extremely talented and has starred in videos which involve 18 categories. These run the range from dungeon settings to beach settings , and threesomes.
Enrico Benetti has starred with a variety of other actors which include Roy Sterlingon, Ivan Mrozek and also Tom Jank. Paired together 13 times, Janos Volt has had the honor of being seen most frequently with Enrico Benetti. Their most recent film, Domination Sauvage Part 1, became available in 2012 by Diamond Pictures. Some of the other movies in which they have performed together include Action Beach (Diamond Pictures), Bikers Love Part 1 (Diamond Pictures), and Stiff Outriders (Diamond Pictures).
The collection of films in which Mr. Enrico Benetti has acted includes Bikers Love Part 1, Bikers Love Part 2 and Bikers Bang 2 - Hotter Then Hell!!!. The collection of film series in which Enrico appears includes Bikers Love, Action Beach and Men Of Diving.