Eddie has starred in movies created by just a couple of adult movie studios: Diamond Pictures and Pacific Sun. This porn star is quite well rounded and has worked in videos which are associated with 16 categories. The category list includes orgies, sports gear and also military personnel.
Eddie Schulz has starred with a sizable group of performers which include Soto Donovan, Jonathan Collins and Jose Ganatti. He has appeared in 8 films with Roberto Giorgio; the most of any of him costars. Their most recent film, Men Force 4, became available in 2012 by Diamond Pictures. The collection of movies in which they have acted together also includes Stiff Outriders (Diamond Pictures), Junior Twinks 1 (Diamond Pictures), and Frathouse Bash (Diamond Pictures).
The list of videos in which Eddie appears contains Revenge Of The Dragon Part 2, Man-Driller and Frathouse Bash. The majority of his movies are part of a series. The collection of video series in which Mr. Eddie Schulz is featured contains Junior Twinks, Men Force and Revenge Of The Dragon.