Latin? German? Who cares! Research has proven fruitless as to the origins of Marko Hansom. The handsome, blue eyed, muscle stud has been in the spotlight since 2005 and has rarely uttered a word, although his moans of pleasure are unmistakable as he fucks or gets fucked. However, I have come to the conclusion that Mr. Hansom is of, at least, a European background. In "Desktops" the flip fucking hunk takes on an enlightening, yet brief, speaking role, and the Germanic accent is solid!
So there, now that we've covered that, let's take a look at Marko Hansom. His build is impressive, all muscle, all man, with the ability to go from smooth to hairy and still look fantastic. Marko's bright blue eyes are piercing, framed by his dark hair and chiseled features he's most definitely a boner inducing fellow.
So what about his sexual abilities? Marko Hansom's mouth-watering (again there is debate in other profiles) circumcised meat is thick and hard, with shaved balls filled with spunk. He really knows how to use his tool on his lucky bottoms! Hansom is also quite versatile, enjoying a good fuck in his muscular bubble butt too; We love a stud who can both give it, and take it like a man!