Paul has starred in movies created by just a couple of adult production companies: Diamond Pictures and Clair Production. He is extremely skilled and has acted in movies which are associated with 15 categories. The category list includes contemporary stories, muscle men and also French scenes.
Paul Skerritt has starred with a sizable group of stars which include Roger Mantegna, Daniel Paxton as well as Giovanni Winkler. Of all of his costars, you can find Mr. Skerritt appearing most frequently with Fred Goldsmith. The two of them have been in 4 films together. Their most recent movie, Men Force 4, was released in 2012 by Diamond Pictures. Some of the other movies in which they are featured together include Men Force 2 (Diamond Pictures), Bikers Love Part 2 (Diamond Pictures), and Stiff Outriders (Diamond Pictures).
The collection of movies in which Mr. Paul Skerritt has acted contains Bikers Love Part 2, Bleus Bites and Stiff Outriders. The two series in which Paul has acted are Men Force and Bikers Love.