Gastone has starred solely with Diamond Pictures. This model is very skilled and has performed in films which are associated with 16 categories. The category list includes orgies, ethnic European scenes and also uniforms.
Gastone Pierce has acted with a number of stars including Mad Stefano, Clay Robson and Chris Hill. Paired together 7 times, Lucio Maverick has had the privilege of being seen most frequently with Mr. Pierce. Their most recent movie, The Gladiators Part 3, was released in 2011 by Diamond Pictures. Some of the other movies in which they have performed together include Temptation At The Beach - Secrets Of Super Paradise (Diamond Pictures), Navy Kings - A Sailor In Mykonos (Diamond Pictures), and Diamond's Cops Part 6 - Strip Search (Diamond Pictures).
The list of movies in which Gastone appears includes Temptation At The Baths - Pharaoh's Bathhouse Fantasies, Navy Kings - A Sailor In Mykonos and Temptation On The Force 2 - Code Of Conduct. The collection of film series in which Gastone Pierce is featured includes The Gladiators, Diamond's Sailors and Diamond's Cops.